A Word from The President of New Life Bible College & Seminary
Hello!! Thank you for your interest in New Life Bible College and Seminary. Dr. Gene Ware started the college many years ago with people like you in mind! He wanted a place where the church worker, who is busy with everyday life, could enjoy the many benefits of a Bible school. Over the 25 years that the school has been around, we have had many students come through and earn degrees and our hope and prayer is that many more come through our school. We hope they all enjoy the blessing that comes through the friends made, the knowledge gained, and the strengthening of their relationship with God that has occurred by attending New Life Bible College and Seminary.
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” Malachi 3:16-18
Your Brother in Christ,
Dr. Dennis Gomez
A Word from the Dean of New Life Bible College & Seminary
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:9-10, “God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”
Paul also said in 1 Corinthians 1:17, “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.”
At New Life Bible College & Seminary we strive to teach our students how to operate in one mind and one accord. We, as a part of the body of Christ, cannot afford to stand idly by and watch as Satan runs rampant over the world. God gave us the power to stop Satan in his tracks. That authority is recorded in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
We have set a standard of not teaching doctrine, but rather teaching the perfect Word of God. Our courses are designed for preachers, Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and everyday people who wish to strengthen their relationship with Father. Our goal is to send our graduates out with a more comprehensive understanding of the Word, so they can lead others to Christ by spreading the gospel. We do not, however, want our students to stop at simply spreading the gospel of Jesus. We desire for them to show the world Jesus. We hope to create in them a worldview that aligns with the worldview of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I am so thrilled that you are considering our school or that you are already a student with us! I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you always.
With love in Christ,
Dr. Randi H. Clark
What We Believe
We are a fundamental, evangelical, Bible believing seminary. We believe that only the canonized King James Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). We accept that the Bible is God’s instruction manual for life. It is our belief that God created the earth and the universe in six literal days and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. We believe that He died on the cross at Calvary for us (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 1:7, 2:2, 4:10; John 3:16). We also believe that He arose from the dead three days later and now sits at the right hand of God as our High Priest (Acts 4:4). We believe that He intervenes on our behalf to the Father for our sins. We believe that through the Holy Spirit we receive guidance and wisdom in all truth (John 14:26). We further believe that He will be returning for us and that we shall reign in Heaven for eternity with Him (1 Thess. 4:17). We believe that Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary was to provide the opportunity for salvation to all mankind. Finally, we believe that anyone who does not accept Him as Lord and Savior will be sentenced to hell for eternity (Rev. 20:15).
The purpose of New Life Bible College and Seminary is to provide education within the context of Christian values with an emphasis on high academic standards and spiritual development. In keeping the goals of the school, we will seek to provide the student with academic and spiritual pursuits which:
- Will develop within the student a God-centered perspective by studying His revelation through creation, history, and the rational ability of man.
- Will develop a disciplined approach to life reflected in habits of study and an approach to all of life which will enable the student to bring to fruition his/her human capacity for intellectual and spiritual behavior.
- Will develop within the student a sensitivity to the needs of others and a sympathetic understanding of people and their problems and prepare him/her to make his/her maximum contribution to society.
- Will enable the student to appreciate work that is done, which will encourage him/her to fulfill every responsibility to the honor and glory of God.
- Will develop a Christ-centered commitment and character; seeing the world as God’s vineyard and seeking to bring honor to the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the ultimate goal of this school.
Statement of Standards
All students who are Christians are required to give a testimony of having Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Those who are not yet saved we pray you come to accept Him by learning more of Him. Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a manner that at no time will bring reproach upon our Saviour or the school.
All students must be a working part of a local church. Time spent in participation within the local church will be logged and turned into the College. These hours are figured into the student’s semester credit hours as Personal Ministry. God’s Word demands in James 1:22 that we be doers of the Word and not hearers (or students) only.
Code of Conduct
- Each student must dress appropriately.
- Women: No shorts, tank tops, halter tops, miniskirts, nothing made of see-through material, nothing with vulgar or obscene words, gestures, pictures, or anything deemed inappropriate by the board.
- Men: No tank tops, shorts, nothing with vulgar or obscene words, pictures, gestures, or anything deemed inappropriate by the board.
- Each student must conduct himself/herself in an orderly and courteous fashion.
- Each student is expected to respect that others in the class may not hold the same opinions, beliefs, or values as the student. While it is okay to disagree with another student or even the professor, students are expected to do so in a respectful manner.
- Each student is expected to silence their phone or put it on vibrate so as not to disrupt the class. We understand that emergencies do arise, so if a student needs to take a phone call they should step outside so as not to disrupt the class.
- Due to the nature of the courses being taught at New Life Bible College and Seminary, we cannot permit children in the classes.
- Each student will be required to keep up with the weekly assignments as assigned by the instructor. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to read and study the material for that class on his/her own time.
- No grade will be given until the discipline is paid in full and the student has taken and passed the test for that course.
- Students are expected to be on time. Class hours are 6:00PM-8:00PM.
- Students are expected to be prepared for class. This means having books, paper, pens/pencils, or other materials necessary for class.
- Students are expected to remain quiet during the class. Time will be allotted at the end of the night for any questions or comments.
Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy
New Life Bible College and Seminary does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, veteran status, and/or age. New Life Bible College and Seminary also prohibits retaliation against an individual for engaging in activity protected under this policy and interfering with rights or privileges granted under anti- discrimination laws. All students, faculty, and staff are afforded the same rights, privileges, access to programs, and activities that are available at the college.
Under New Life Bible College and Seminary’s policy, harassing, discriminatory, or retaliatory behaviors will not be tolerated. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every member of the College community to strictly comply with the policy and any procedures directed by the College President to implement the policy. This includes notifying each employee/student of their rights and responsibilities under the College’s Nondiscrimination and Non- harassment Policy. Faculty and staff will be held accountable to take reasonable action to maintain educational environments free of conduct that causes, or reasonably could be considered to cause intimidation, hostility, discrimination, or retaliation.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual harassment means and includes any unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and any other non-consensual and/or offensive verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature between and employee and a student or between students and includes misconduct by males against females, females against males and between students of the same gender. Sexual harassment is further defined to include two different levels or degrees of misconduct:
Physical: This form of sexual harassment includes touching, fondling and/or grabbing a student/employee in a sexual way without that student/employee’s consent or when the student/employee finds such behavior offensive; and
Verbal: This form of sexual harassment includes teasing, joking and/or making lewd remarks of a sexual nature to a student/employee without that student/employee’s consent or when the other student/employee finds such behavior offensive
Sexually harassing students, employees, visitors, or other individuals is prohibited. Students are further prohibited from retaliating against an employee or student who has filed a sexual harassment complaint or participated in an investigation, a proceeding or a hearing regarding said complaint.
Tuition and Fees
The $40.00 registration fee must be paid by the second week of the student’s enrollment. Once a student is registered, a mandatory $40.00 discipline fee is due at the start of each new course. This is the student’s tuition fee. This fee can be paid each night of class at the rate of $8.00 per night. Payment for the course is required, even if a student is absent from the class. Extension Students (online students) fees are $60.00 per discipline. All fees must be paid before a student can receive their diploma.
The cost of the book(s) is not included in the course fee. Students will be notified of the cost of the book(s) as early as possible.
The Graduation Fee will be $55.00. This includes cap, gown, tassel, and banquet fees.
Refund Policy
Students may change or drop a program at any time during the first (3) weeks after notification of the acceptance into the College. When a program is dropped or withdrawn from and no substitute is taken, the following refund policy will apply:
Refund of tuition is as follows:
- From 21-30 days from the date of enrollment: 80%
- From 31-60 days from the date of enrollment 60%
- From 61-90 days from the date of enrollment 40%
- After 90 days from the date of enrollment-NONE
A student must notify the College in writing of their intention to withdraw. The withdrawal date will be the date the notification is received by New Life Bible College and Seminary and this date will be used in calculating the amount of tuition being refunded.
Life Experience Credits
New Life Bible College and Seminary recognizes life experience and will issue credit for such experience. However, such credit shall not exceed 30% of the degree requirements and must be determined by the department head at the student’s evaluation process. This credit will only be given once during the student’s time at the college.
Transfer Credits
New Life Bible College and Seminary reserves the right to allow, or not to allow, credits earned at other institutions for similar courses taken at that institution to transfer. If credit is allowed, these hours may not exceed 60% of the required hours for graduation from New Life Bible College and Seminary. The decision to allow or not allow credits to transfer is at the sole discretion of the department head.
A Word about Licensure
Degree programs of study offered by New Life Bible College and Seminary have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.
A Word about Accreditation
New Life Bible College and Seminary is accredited through American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions. If you have any questions or complaints regarding our accreditation, you can contact AAATI at (252) 451-0024 or visit their website at aaati.org.
Student Complaints
If a student has a complaint, they are asked to go through the college’s grievance procedure. First, the student should, in written, make the professor aware of the chief complaint. If the complaint is regarding the professor, the student can instead contact the dean to file the complaint. If the complaint is not regarding the professor and the professor does not attend to the issue, the student should inform the dean of the complaint.
If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they may review the Student Complaint Policy, complete the Student Complaint Form (PDF) located on the State Authorization webpage at www.northcarolina.edu/stateauthorization, and submit the complaint tostudentcomplaint@northcarolina.edu or to the following mailing address:
North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina General Administration
910 Raleigh Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688
Degree Programs
New Life Bible College and Seminary offers one undergraduate degree and three graduate degrees. Each degree is listed below along with a description of what each one entails.
Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
An associate degree requires 60 credit hours of class instruction. Once the student has fulfilled the credit hours required, they will be required to submit a 10,000-word typed and bound positional thesis. The topic of the thesis paper will be determined by the dean of the college. The student will be given a rubric to follow so they will understand precisely what is expected from the thesis.
Once the thesis is complete the student will turn it in to be graded by the dean. Upon careful review and a passing grade, the student will be eligible for their degree. The thesis will become part of New Life Bible College and Seminary’s library after a review by a committee of the college.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
A bachelor’s degree requires 120 credit hours of class instruction. Thirty (30) of these hours are Bible based. The Bible based hours can be waived upon successful completion of the accelerated B.A. exam by the department head. Once the student has fulfilled the credit hours, they will be required to submit a 20,000-word typed and bound positional thesis. The topic of the thesis paper will be determined by the dean of the college. The student will be given a rubric to follow so they will understand precisely what is expected from the thesis.
Once the thesis is complete the student will turn it in to be graded. Upon careful review and a passing grade, the student will be eligible for their degree. The thesis will become part of New Life Bible College and Seminary’s library after a review by a committee of the college
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies/Theology
A master’s degree requires 180 credit hours of class instruction. Once the student has fulfilled the credit hours, they will be required to submit a 30,000-word typed and bound positional thesis. The topic of the thesis paper will be determined by the dean of the college. The student will be given a rubric to follow so they will understand precisely what is expected from the thesis.
Once the thesis is complete the student will turn it in to be graded. Upon careful review and a passing grade, the student will be eligible for their degree. The thesis will become part of New Life Bible College and Seminary’s library after a review by a committee of the college.
Doctor of Biblical Studies/Theology
A doctorate’s degree requires 240 credit hours of class instruction. Once the student has fulfilled the credit hours, they will be required to submit a 50,000-word typed and bound positional thesis. The topic of the thesis paper will be determined by the dean of the college. The student will be given a rubric to follow so they will understand precisely what is expected from the thesis.
Once the thesis is complete the student will turn it in to be graded. Upon careful review and a passing grade, the student will be eligible for their degree. The thesis will become part of New Life Bible College and Seminary’s library after a review by a committee of the college.
The Difference Between Degrees
A degree in Biblical Studies at its base is a study of the Bible as a book. It means that a student has studied the background of the Bible, the history of the Word, background of the authors of the books of the Bible. The student can better understand the customs and traditions of the Hebrew children. In essence, the student has studied the inner workings of the Word of God. It lends to an understanding of Judaism and early Christianity.
A degree in Theology is a degree in the study of God. The word “theos” comes from the Greek word meaning God. Students in a theology program study the nature of God. They study His characteristics, how He interacted with the Hebrew children, and how He interacts with Christians today. This program helps students to answer big questions like how the world was created. This program helps students to understand why God is the way He is.
Extension Student Program
Students who wish to be enrolled in the college, but who are unable to physically attend classes at the institution have the option of enrolling in the extension program. This program is designed so that students can get their degree at a time and day that is convenient for them. We understand that life can sometimes be challenging, and it is the college’s desire to help each student to succeed in obtaining their degree. Students who are enrolled in the extension program get all the materials sent to their home. The test for each course is mailed to their home and once it is completed, they simply mail it back to the dean to be graded.
Extension students are held to the same standards as the students that physically attend the classes. They must pay all their fees (registration, course fee, books, and/or cap and gown) and pass the tests in order to earn their degree(s). Extension students are allowed to take part in the graduation ceremony if they choose to do so. Should the student choose to participate in graduation, they will need a cap and gown. The cap and gown can be ordered through the college and the cost of the cap and gown will be given before ordering. If they choose to abstain from the graduation, their diploma will be mailed to them. The cost for the extension program is $60 per course, plus the cost of the book for the course.